Author Topic: New to Baby whisperer, short afternoon nap help  (Read 1126 times)

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New to Baby whisperer, short afternoon nap help
« on: March 01, 2015, 20:54:25 pm »
Hello! I'm new to this forum and baby whisperer in general.  I have a 10 week old baby girl who has been doing EASY since 3-4 weeks, but didnt know it was a BW thing at the time. I recently started doing some internet searching and discovered the baby whisperer, which I am reading now.  EASY was going well until the last 2 weeks.  Her afternoon naps have become 30minutes or so.  She sleeps well overnight with 1 night feeding and wakes up around 7.  She has one long nap in the morning still, sometimes she goes past the 3 hour mark from her last feeding.  The remaining naps of the day used to get progressively shorter with the last one before bed being 45min or so.  Now they are all 30-40 minutes.  She goes to sleep relatively easy with pacifier, white noise, swaddle and holding until she's drowsy and pops the pacifier out.  When she wakes up from these short naps, I wil try for 15min or so to get her back to sleep.  Sometimes I get her to sleep briefly in my arms but she always wakes back up, so I give up.

My confusion is that when she has these short naps and I can't get her back to sleep, she usually seems content to be awake.  She stops fussing when I take her out of her swaddle and seems happy, smiling and cooing.  Usually by this  time it's only been 2 hours or less since she last ate and she doesn't seem hungry, so I let her hang out and feed her when she seems hungry. Her usual awake time is 1.5 hours but when I do this it's closer to 2 hours..  I do think that by early evening though she seems more fussy and harder to get to sleep, so maybe I shouldn't be doing this EASYA and I should feed her even if she doesn't seem hungry?  Is 2 hours or less too often for a baby this age to eat?  I worry about sleep associations too but over night she will go 4-6 hours at a stretch so if it was the pacifier I would think she would wake up all the time?  Am I letting her sleep too long in the morning?

Thank you in advance for helping a newbie!  I'm hoping this is just a phase and not a result of something I've done!  I'm also hoping her overnight sleep and long morning nap stay the same because they are keeping me sane!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: New to Baby whisperer, short afternoon nap help
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 20:07:53 pm »
Hi and welcome!  Lovely to have you here :)

Nothing stays the same ;). I don't say that to worry you though!  Babies grow and change, that's part of the magic, and they stay awake longer as they get older so nap patterns are always on the move. 

For now though - 1h30 is probably at the top end of A times for 10 weeks, 2h sounds pretty high (more appropriate for a four-month old).  There's a helpful link here: Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!!. The shorter naps may be due to overtiredness accumulating over the day but if I'm completely honest, I think that pretty much just happens at this age however careful you are with A times. Nth getting her down a little earlier though and see if it helps. 

Her nights sound great! 

I would feed when she's hungry and not feed just because she's woken up.  I'm not sure if you are breast or bottle feeding but I would in general aim for for 3 hourly feeds, but obviously responding to cues if she needs to eat sooner (and it's ok in my opinion to go a bit longer occasionally if she needs a good nap).  So AEAS is fine :)

The other thing to consider is the 'normal' short naps phase where babies need to learn to transition between sleep cycles.  I think it hit around this age for us.  One of the best things you can do is to try to encourage independent sleep - if LO knows how to get to sleep initially, then it's easier for them to work out how to sleep longer.  Things like swaddling, paci etc can become props, it's important you know that,  but it doesn't mean you shouldn't use them if for the time being it is working and you are happy with it.  You will at some point need to deal with weaning them but that has to be at a time that works for you.  Often prop issues start showing up around four months (the four month sleep regression) and many mums choose to get rid of the swaddle and paci then.  Those that keep the paci put up with replugging until LO can manage it for themselves - from around 8/9 months or so.

Hope that's some help :)