Something really strange has happened!!!! I'm now up to 50/50 formula and expressed milk giving him 4 bottles a day and only bf for NFs. Last night he slept 7pm-4.30am with no resettling required! He woke at 1am and settled himself fine. I bf him at 4.30am as he was screaming and then he took a full feed so was obviously hungry. He went back into his cot around 5am and I thought he was going to cause trouble as he was rolling side to side. I just chanced leaving him and he then settled and we had to go in and wake him at 7.20am!!! He had a 12 hour night!
Today....he has self settled for all naps. And we had a 90 minute nap!!!! I CANNOT believe it.
So, I think part of it is because of his transition off my milk which is obviously still giving him some allergy issues, and part of it is to do with the sleep training we have been persevering with. Today went like this:
WU 7.20am
E 7.30am milk 8.30am solids
S 9.35am (30 mins, woke happy and chatting, think UT)
A 10.05am
E 11am milk
S 12.30am (90mins, woke crying)
A 2pm
E 2pm solids 2.20pm milk
S 3.15pm (45 mins, woke happy)
E 6pm milk
A BT routine
E 6.30pm finish bottle but still awake
S 7pm
My thoughts, he needs slightly longer 1st A time. I'm going to increase to 2hr 30 tomorrow and hold at that for a few days.
The second nap when he woke crying I think he needed more sleep as he was grumpy the whole time he was awake and signalling that he wanted to go back to bed. I will try and resettle if that happens again.
I just can't believe the change and it really must be to do with his tummy feeling better now. I just feel so bad that he has been suffering with my milk for so long. At least he is getting better now though!
I'll give an update each day for a few days, thanks so much for all your help on here. And be happy in the knowledge that the 20 min wake ups WERE probably discomfort still!