I don't wake from naps much - but I don't need to - my DS never sleeps much!
I've woken so many times in the past to preserve bedtime.
I think you have to choose basically. If you want a 7pm (ish) bedtime then you will have to wake from naps until his body adjusts to the new plan. I just hate being on duty all evening

. I'm pretty introverted and need my downtime.
I get what your mum says, but equally would she have even done a 5pm nap, or just done bath and bed a little later? These later CNs are very 'BWer', and most people would avoid anyway iyswim?
My 7pm bedtime is a huge priority for me though. I like an early night, and I eat with DH after he gets in from work. Unfortunately my DS1 is too old for that now but he does at least self entertain
