Usually it's time to extend A time when naps shorten, typically into the 45 mins to 1h25 range with a happy WU (or at least happy mood in the following A time). Or if you get long happy NWs. How's your routine going right now?
Thank u for reply, but I don’t get it, do u mean if the naps is 45 mins ~ 1h25, that means I need to extend A time?
Anyway, I extend his A time to 2hs today, so far so good, but here comes the new problem: how do I keep the day time to 12 hours? Below is today’s EASY:
7:50 wake up
7:50 ~ 9:50 2hs A time
9:50 ~ 11:45 1h55 nap
11:45 ~ 1:57 2hs10 A time
1:57 ~ 3:45 1h48 Nap (with grandma, grandma uses shh/pat extends his nap, otherwise he would wakes up @ 1h
3:45 ~ 5:45 2hs A time
5:45 ~ 6:30 45mins Nap
6:30 ~ 8:35 2h5mins A time
8:35 ~
he is still sleeping
Even though we are still on 4th nap, the day time already passes 12 hours, if he wakes up from this nap, what should I do? Using Shh/pat to let him continue sleeping?
Did I do something wrong? Or he starts transferring from 4 naps to 3?