Author Topic: 11 Month Old EASY Routine Formula Fed With Solid Quantities  (Read 1198 times)

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Offline lady_jaeb

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My soon to be 11 month old was sick last week and got totally off of her schedule.  I'm trying so hard to get her back on track.  She is doing 2 naps - 3 naps, usually short each day.  When she starts day care in about a month she will only be able to have one nap.  She does sleep 12 hours or so a night which I am extremely grateful for.  I'm wonder what schedule any mom's have for their 11 month old.  Due to her being sick she completely refuses solids.  I think I need to start over again with introducing solids like I did at 6 months.  She has a super sensitive gag reflex and if there is something on her mouth she doesn't like she will throw up everything she ate in the last 6 hours.  I'm worried about her feelings towards solids and hoping she will get back to eating them before day care.  She is a touchy temperament child.  Thanks for all the info!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 11 Month Old EASY Routine Formula Fed With Solid Quantities
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 18:46:13 pm »
This is a good place to start for routines: Sample EASY Routines from 0 - 13mths+

Sorry she's been sick though :(. It's normal for LOs to go off their food when unwell - I would just pick back up where you left off prior to her illness, encourage her and offer variety but don't force the issue if she's not keen.  How much milk is she having right now?

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Re: 11 Month Old EASY Routine Formula Fed With Solid Quantities
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 19:20:01 pm »
We always have food refusal after an illness and some preference towards milk. It lasts 3-7days and I am just fine with it. Full appetite is back after couple of days and he is eating even more then:).

Our routine at 11mo was one 1:30 nap and another 15-30 min catnap which might be refused here or there. We did have some one nap days if first nap was 1:45 and already didn't have OT tired because of that. He was at 12h day (we have a set WU and by at 7/7).

First days in the nursery might be tough be keep going and LO will adapt. Will be able to make him a late catnap after pick up? Some LOs would refuse but in this house we even did a catnap 16:45-17:15 a week ago when his one nap at 12 was 35min. He passed in a car seat after pick up and still went for BT at 7pm. Also EBT works miracles for many people but I personally prefer catnap if LO accept and doesn't fight BT as it gives you some time with your kid.

Offline lady_jaeb

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Re: 11 Month Old EASY Routine Formula Fed With Solid Quantities
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2015, 03:52:39 am »
Thanks for the information that you have given me.

Before my LO got sick, and I just found out she was sick with the Rotovirus, she was eating very well.  She was eating about 12-15 oz of solids and about 21-27 oz of formula.  But last night she threw up after being asleep for about 2 hours then this morning she had a swollen eye and the doctor said that she has an eye infection (conjunctivitis).  Today she drank 13 oz of formula and refused all solids, I'm going to try with cereal tomorrow and slowly get her back into solids.  Also I was wondering about introducing full fat whole cows milk to her and how I should do that? 

Currently I think that getting her back to her 2 naps a day at 11 am and 4 pm (with wake up at 7 am and bed time at 7 pm) for the next week and then trying to get her to one nap a day as she starts daycare in about 2 weeks and they will only give her one nap.  But I have an entire month to get her transitioned as we have paid for her to be full time at daycare for all of April and I only go back to work May 4th.  I really wanted her to be ok with daycare and for me to be ok too..... Haha.

Any and all help is appreciated.  I'm thinking about going to daycare with her during her activity times as daycare is a two house walk down the street from our house (so awesome).  Then she can come back home and nap and then eventually she will be napping at the daycare.  She is my first baby and I may be going over board but she is a touchy baby so I worry about change with her. 

Thanks again!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 11 Month Old EASY Routine Formula Fed With Solid Quantities
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2015, 09:59:23 am »
With the cows milk you could just offer it maybe along with a snack and see what she thinks?  If she is not keen then you could gradually begin to mix her bottles once she is a year so initially say its a 9oz bottle of formula, for one day do 8oz formula and 1oz cows milk, then next day 7oz formula and 2oz cows milk etc.  Also bear in mind she doesn't need so much milk once she is a year old as it can detract from her appetite for solids, I think about a pint or the equivalent including dairy (cheese, yoghurt etc) is recommended.  It's a good time to get her using a sippy instead of bottles too if you can :)

If she is having naps at 11 and 4 anyway she isn't far off the 2-1 transition.  If she copes ok you could gradually inch that 11am nap out to 11.30ish and allow her to sleep as long as she likes, then either an early bedtime or quick catnap and slightly later bedtime depending on how the first nap goes.  Once the one nap is established you can gradually push it a bit later.  Is there a set nap time at daycare?

Just my opinion here.....but although letting her ease in gradually for a week or so is a good plan for daycare - say a couple of 1-2h sessions (with or without you, depending how you feel) then maybe a couple of half days - I actually think that it is easier ultimately on LOs and the carers at daycare to give them the space to get to know each other properly and develop their bond and ways of soothing.  (((Hugs))), I know it's really tough (have done it with my oldest and will be doing it soon with my second) but honestly I do think it's tougher on Mummy than on LO.  Often they will be upset when you leave.....for about 5 minutes!  Whereas you feel bad all day!!  Obviously you know your LO best and must trust your own judgement here, but in general I have found that most LOs I've seen at DDs nursery have handled the change well, far better than you would expect, and often Mum lingering too much or being too present in those early sessions means LO actually takes longer to feel comfortable there.  Anyhow, you will make the best decision for you both :). Good luck!