With the cows milk you could just offer it maybe along with a snack and see what she thinks? If she is not keen then you could gradually begin to mix her bottles once she is a year so initially say its a 9oz bottle of formula, for one day do 8oz formula and 1oz cows milk, then next day 7oz formula and 2oz cows milk etc. Also bear in mind she doesn't need so much milk once she is a year old as it can detract from her appetite for solids, I think about a pint or the equivalent including dairy (cheese, yoghurt etc) is recommended. It's a good time to get her using a sippy instead of bottles too if you can
If she is having naps at 11 and 4 anyway she isn't far off the 2-1 transition. If she copes ok you could gradually inch that 11am nap out to 11.30ish and allow her to sleep as long as she likes, then either an early bedtime or quick catnap and slightly later bedtime depending on how the first nap goes. Once the one nap is established you can gradually push it a bit later. Is there a set nap time at daycare?
Just my opinion here.....but although letting her ease in gradually for a week or so is a good plan for daycare - say a couple of 1-2h sessions (with or without you, depending how you feel) then maybe a couple of half days - I actually think that it is easier ultimately on LOs and the carers at daycare to give them the space to get to know each other properly and develop their bond and ways of soothing. (((Hugs))), I know it's really tough (have done it with my oldest and will be doing it soon with my second) but honestly I do think it's tougher on Mummy than on LO. Often they will be upset when you leave.....for about 5 minutes! Whereas you feel bad all day!! Obviously you know your LO best and must trust your own judgement here, but in general I have found that most LOs I've seen at DDs nursery have handled the change well, far better than you would expect, and often Mum lingering too much or being too present in those early sessions means LO actually takes longer to feel comfortable there. Anyhow, you will make the best decision for you both
. Good luck!