Looking for some help with DD's EASY, particularly A time before BT. She will be 6 months old next week and the big change is we have dropped the catnap. Some days she really fights the catnap and wouldn't go down until 6 which then pushes BT too late. But then there are days she would rub her eyes around 5:30 and gets fussy. But since we also need to get DS to bed at a reasonable time, it's easier if DD goes to bed on the early side.
Our typical EASY:
6:30 Wake up and feed
7:30 Solids
9:00 Nap 1 (usually for 1.5 hours)
10:45 E
12:00 Solids
12:45 E (give a top up bottle of 2 oz)
1:00 Nap 2 (usually for 2 hours)
3:15 E
4:30 Solids
5:00 Bath
5:45 go into her room & feed (nurse with 2 oz top up bottle)
6:30 put her in crib
10:00 DF
For the past three nights, she really struggled with bedtime and cried so hard where she was very hard to settle. First night she didn't fall asleep until 7:30. Second night, 7, third night 6:45. Before when she was doing catnap, she would be asleep usually by 7:30 and would fuss a little bit then go to sleep fairly easily. So I'm thinking she maybe OT now we have dropped the catnap. I know bedtime should be pushed up earlier when LO's drop CN, but usually DH and DS comes home between 5 and 5:30 so after bath is a little family time and she seems to get rejuvenated. But once I get her upstairs, she is falling asleep nursing. Because of her reflux, I wake her to burp, read two short books to make sure the milk settles before I put her down. Plus this way she's awake when I put her down.
Is her last A time too long? We would like her to spend a little family time when DH and DS are home before bed, but I'm not sure if that's causing her to be OT. Or does it make more sense to put back CN for now? We figure she eventually will drop CN anyway so it doesn't make much sense.
Her night time sleep is not great. She's a very gassy baby and gets bothered by it easily so she wakes frequently from it. She may also be teething, drooling a ton and really chomping on everything. But mostly she's not hungry in the middle of the night and we don't feed anymore.
BT has been so much crying that I dread it now. Thanks in advance for any advice!