Author Topic: 1 w/o Expecting too much?  (Read 1100 times)

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Offline Vee119

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1 w/o Expecting too much?
« on: March 12, 2015, 14:28:30 pm »
My DD is one week old today :) and has started switching day and night - I have let her sleep too much during the day :(.  Our EASY from yesterday is a little all over the place but suffice to say she has been taking really long naps and her A time sometimes stretches up to 60mins. I am still trying to establish a routine but I desperately want to reverse the 2hr night play time so I am going to start waking her during the day after 1.5hr. My question is, after I wake her and feed her, do I let her take another nap right away (after a short A - about how long?) and then wake her again after 1.5hrs?  I'm worried that such a short time between naps there may not be enough time between feeds so she will start snacking.  Am I expecting too much too soon?

E: 6:45am
A: 7:30 - 8:15
S:8:15 - 10:45

E: 10:50
A: 11:15 - 11:30 (wipe down and diaper change)
E: 11:35 (I know I should not have done this! :()
A: 11:45 - 12
S: 12 - 2:40 (I woke her)

E: 2:45
A: 3 - 4:15 (I likely missed a tired cue)
S: 4:15 -7

E: 7
A: 7:30 -7:45
E: 7:45
A: 8 - 9
S: 9

NW: 11:45, 1:45, 2:45 - 4:45

Offline michaeljacknnugg

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Re: 1 w/o Expecting too much?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 20:28:13 pm »
Welcome to bw, and congratulations on your new baby!

She is still so tiny that I really would not worry about A times for now. Just feed - every 2.5-3hrs is fine for avoiding snacking, but don't let her go over 3.5hrs during the day - and separate A from E with a nappy change.

She will gradually get more wakeful at certain times of the day, and you can start to shape your routine from there.
My 'little man' - kind-hearted Spirited whirlwind, 2008
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Re: 1 w/o Expecting too much?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2015, 21:50:11 pm »
The short answer to your question is yes :)

MJN is right. For now she will eat and sleep and that will be just about all.

I take it you're BFing? Then it is really important that you don't restrict feeding as you are still building supply and baby is still learning about feeding. She's needs practice and you need demand to establish a good supply. Absolutely do not feel bad about feeding your 1 wo, and don't worry if she falls asleep while feeding, that's completely normal at this sweet tiny age.  Lots of cuddles is the newborn bonus :)

Congratulations and enjoy your lovely baby.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: 1 w/o Expecting too much?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2015, 22:53:29 pm »
I agree with pps lovely, these early days really are about feeding, sleeping and then feeding some more. Just a quick though, remember that A time does include all of the E time, so actually the A times are longer than they look from the list you posted. Those A times are actually not that short. Hugs x
~ Naomi ~

Offline Vee119

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Re: 1 w/o Expecting too much?
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2015, 00:55:40 am »
 Thank you all so much.  I feel better knowing I was being too eager:). I started EASY with DD1 at 3 months and even though we made it, I would like to start earlier this time.  I guess week one is a little too early ;D thanks again!