Well LJ was waking at 6.30am ish and going to bed at 6pm, asleep by 6.45-7pm maybe. (12 hour 15 min A). Now we are in a bit of a mess and we are not sure if we are putting her down too early or if she is OT and needs to go down earlier. Help please!
She is hard work to get to bed and I know this could be the whole 'nearly 4' thing. She plays and plays in her bedroom and messes around and sometimes does not go to sleep until 8pm, sometimes later. She did play before and we pretty much just left her to it and said to go to sleep when she was ready and she did so pretty quickly.
Tonight she seems tired (maybe not I'm thinking now - still awake! Maybe just very sensitive at the mo). Went up at 6.10pm and probably left 25 mins later. She's still awake now

Woke at 7am this morning so I think we put her down to early.
We have tried a 6.30pm bt, but she's still been hard work. Also she's sometimes lying in longer now - assuming that's making up for the late nights she sometimes has!
So what A time do your 35 months olds have? She's 4 in 3 weeks! Any advice on what I should do?
Hope my ramblings make sense and haven't sent you away.
Thanks xxxx