Author Topic: 6 week old eating 2 ounces per feeding and waking up every 2 hours  (Read 768 times)

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My 6 week old boy sleeps 2 hours and then wakes up to feed - 2 ounces per feeding.  We are trying to give him more food at each feeding so he can sleep 3-4 hours at a time. Yet, he seems full and satisfied after 2 ounces (and does not ask for more), and if we give him more, sometimes he takes it but then he throws up. What do we do?
Also, he does not breastfeed, so I do bottle feeding with (pumped) breast milk at nights and formula during the day. Should I switch the order, meaning give him formula at nights and breast milk during the day? Or should I give both in one feeding (not mixed, but 1 ounce of each separately)?
Thank you!

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Re: 6 week old eating 2 ounces per feeding and waking up every 2 hours
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 10:33:06 am »
There is a growth spurt at about 6 weeks, so it's normal for babies to be sleeping less and demanding more food/more often. I'd say give it a few days and see if things don't even out on their own.

If he's not actively asking for more food, don't push it; it's a process of adjustment and he'll likely be demanding bigger feedings soon enough!