Hi, everyone! I am hoping I can get some ideas as to what to do to stop the early wakings for DS. He wakes up every day at 5:15 or 5:30am. I've tried putting him to bed early (6:30ish) I've also tried to put him to bed late (8:30ish)... and I've tried every hour in between. I've also shortened his naps when I put him to bed early and once even cut out his afternoon nap, I've extended his naps when I put him to bed late. No luck! Here's a typical EASY routine for him:
Early wake up: 5:30
Bottle: 6:30
Lunch: 9:45 (very early, but DS has reflux so cramming lunch with all the afternoon meals was making him sick.)
Morning nap: 10:00-12:15
Bottle: 12:30
Snack: 2:30
Afternoon nap: 3:30-4:00 (45 min max)
Dinner: 4:30
Bottle: 7:00
BT: 7:30
He will sleep relatively well throughout the night for the most part, with one or two wake-ups, quickly settling back to sleep usually on his own, or with very little intervention. It might be important to say that he is somewhat low on the weight curve. It doesn't seem to me that he wakes up due to hunger since he doesn't cry or anything, but it's a possibility.
Any ideas?? His schedule used to be 7am wake-up, 8pm bedtime.