Hi Nicola
Sorry I don't have any experience with prem babies or with twins but looking through the info it looks to me like they are sleeping the higher end of average sleep needs (roughly 17-18hrs per 24hr) would you agree? It doesn't seem too much to me.
I did notice some of the A times are 1hr 30 and 1hr 45 which is average for around 3 - 4 months, it looks like their first A is shorter but this is quite common amongst LOs anyway to have a shorter first A.
I did notice some of their day time E times are 5hr+ which may be too far apart for their adjusted age, I'd normally expect to see E times going up to 5hr or beyond when solids are introduced around 6 months. Most LOs at their adjusted age are still on 3hr E. I think I would wake them to maintain a 4hrly E for these reasons:
- You need to know where you are up to in the end really, so you (and the LOs know what to expect) otherwise with E at varying times and naps or different lengths through the day I would think it is hard to know what A to give next or to just keep on top of the day
- I know they are gaining weight well
but I think they are still a bit young to be moving to beyond a 4hr E
- it may help to avoid the random short nap which came in the EASY you posted above following a super long 3hr+ nap
- it may help them to get more calories in during the day and possibly move towards 1 NF
What do you think?
I would not consider the paci as a problem at this age at all. Using a paci has shown to reduce risk of SIDS so although you might find yourself replugging, if they find comfort in it and it has its benefits, I would just continue with it. If you do choose to drop the paci please seek further information, it's a longtime back but I believe I read going cold turkey on a paci to be a SIDS risk increase. Whatever you choose to do you want to be informed before making decision.