DD2's EBF and has mucous stools and reflux. Her nappies are getting worse. More mucous and really liquidy. Paed recommended cutting major allergens from early on as DD1 went through the same thing. I've been dairy/soy/egg/gluten/nut free for the past 2 months. Despite all this, it is getting worse. More mucous and runny. She had a Calprotectin test done (was told this tests gut inflammation) and it has doubled in two weeks. She hasn't been putting on much weight which is why paed most concerned. We had a visit today thankfully she jumped up in weight a bit so he has delayed a Neocate trial to see how she does EBF for another week.
My diet mainly consists of fruits and veg, meat (mainly chicken, beef and lamb) and fish, potatoes, rice and oats. I take a few vitamins and supplements . I know there really is no way to know for sure without doing a challenge but in the interest of time is there anything you think I could be missing or that stands out as potential trouble food?