Hi all,
My LO is 23 weeks (5.5) months and I think she's ready to drop the cat nap.
Our current day looks like this:
WU 4 (resettle)
WU 5 (resettle)
WU 6/6.30
E 7/7.30
S 9-10.30 (she only sleeps 45 minutes then I need to resettle but she goes back over pretty easily)
E 11
S 1-2.30 (again need to resettle after 45 mins)
E 3
S 5/5.30 (about 40 minutes)
E 7/7.30
Bedtime 7.30 (aim for eyes shut by then)
She is getting increasingly difficult to settle after only 2.5 hours A time.
This morning we did
WU 4 (resettle)
WU 5.30 (resettle)
WU 6.20
E 7.15
S 9.30 (took 5 minutes ssh/pat) woke up 10.10 screaming, took 10 minutes ssh/pat and lots of crying!
If we do 2 naps when do I feed in the afternoon? I assume she'll still wake up at the same time and still take her first nap at 9-10.30 ish (hopefully)
WU 6/6.30
E 7
S 9-10.30
E 11
S 1.30-3/3.30
E Just when she wakes up?
But then 3/3.30-7 is far far too long for bedtime. And she's still to get another bottle.
I'm so confused and I've done this before!
Any advice? My first wasn't as difficult as this little one, she was a typical "angel" baby. This LO is "touchy" to say the least!