To answer some questions.
Routine: We have tried to keep the routine as close to what we do at home as possible. Our routine has been: bath (every other night), pjs, play with some blocks, cuddle and drink water, into bed. At home, he usually goes down between 6:30 and 7pm. Here, it's been closer to 7pm.
Naps: When we left, he was in the midst of dropping from 2 naps to 1 nap a day, and I think we're still in that process. Some days, he takes a morning and an afternoon nap, but it's mostly just an afternoon nap. We're trying to make sure that he us up from his afternoon nap by 4pm, but some days, the babysitter forgets to wake him.
What is he doing? He's sitting in the peapod screaming bloody murder. Eeek.
Gradual Withdrawal: This is what we have been trying. Unfortunately, the apartment we are in this week (until Saturday) has a wicked squeaky door. He'll be sound asleep or mostly asleep, but then we open the door to leave and he sits bolt upright.
WI/WO: I think that we may try this. Is it best to walk in and say the same phrase each time?
Books: I've read the first BW book, and I just downloaded the toddler book on my Kindle, yesterday. Hopefully we'll have time to look at it today.
Other: Should we look at moving the BT back further? For the last three nights, we put him down at 7pm, and he was asleep by 7:15 or 7:30, so I feel like that's the right time. It's the night wakings and early waking that are troublesome. Last night, I tried dressing him in lighter clothes (shorts instead of pants) and he slept through to 5am. I think he would have gone back to sleep but there was a security light outside shining in his window a bit.
Any other information I can give?