Author Topic: Lost my way with 13mo nap..  (Read 681 times)

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Lost my way with 13mo nap..
« on: April 11, 2015, 21:07:40 pm »
My dd is 13 months old and has been a very good a predictable 'napper' for many months. Goes down to sleep without any trouble and sleeps soundly for the entire nap.

However, she seems to change her schedule overnight e.g. she went from 2 naps to 1 seemingly overnight..and in the last few days has changed her nap schedule completely. I'm a bit lost now.
Until a few days ago her EASY was:
Wake 0700ish
Nap 1050 for 3 to 3+1/2 hours
Bed, asleep 1930ish

But, last few days she does not look sleepy at 11ish as she used to do and does not want to go down for her I let her stay up longer as she was happy playing and when I tried to put her down for her nap she was wide awake bouncing and laughing on the bed  :-\

Yesterday it got to 12noon and she still hadn't gone for her nap, so I gave her some lunch and then tried to put her to bed but she eventually went for her nap at 2pm and slept until 5pm which isn't ideal to wake so close to bedtime.

Today she has only slept for 30mins after not being happy at all when Daddy tried to put her to bed, but I think this was our fault and she might have been OT as Daddy says she almost fell asleep in the car on the way home from the supermarket but he kept her awake as wanted her to sleep at home (they were close to home). She has't woken at the 30mins window since she was a tiny baby (she also woke crying at roughly 30mins the day before but I managed to settle her back to sleep). So that is all the sleep she has had today, but bless her she hasn't been cranky and has been her usual happy self, but did very nearly fall asleep during her bed time bottle of milk, which she doesn't normally do.

I'm obviously not picking up on her cues at the moment and it all seems to have changed over night..any advice on what I should do please..what is she trying to tell me?! Thanks

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Offline jessmum46

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Re: Lost my way with 13mo nap..
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 09:49:50 am »
Probably that she needed a bit more A time first thing :). 10.50 is very early for a one nap day, you ideally want the nap starting 4.5-5h after morning WU.  So I suspect she was initially UT and didn't want to go down, then got a big second wind and did a massive OT crash in the afternoon. Your 30 min WU today and trying to sleep in the car were likely a 'hangover' from that.

If you can't get two naps any more (did you ever try a short am, long pm routine?) then I would try pushing her nap to more like 11.30/12 with either an early lunch at 11 or split lunch half before and half after nap xx

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Re: Lost my way with 13mo nap..
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 11:37:21 am »
Thanks. That all makes sense.
Thankfully she slept solidly through the night and woke at 0730 which is a bit later than normal.
She's gone down for nap today at 1130 which would work in your 4hour A after waking suggestion so I'll try and stick to that and hope things get back to a pattern again (and expect the usual disruption after nursery!) x

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Offline jessmum46

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Re: Lost my way with 13mo nap..
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2015, 18:25:48 pm »
Ugh tell me about it with nursery ::) it can take a while for one nap to settle in but it's definitely promising that she's pulling out those 3h naps already :D