So, DD is 5.5 months and I am due to go back to work in 2 weeks. We have been successfully combination feeding in preparation for this for the past few months and so far so good. Problem is there is one more bf thrown in there that I must, must, must drop soon and I can't seem to do it (or rather DD won't let me). Our feeding pattern looks like this:
6:30/7 BF
8 Solids
10:30 FF
2:30 FF
5 BF (need to drop this!!)
7 FF
The 5pm bf comes after the cat nap and I have tried to hold her off on it as she can clearly go longer without a feed but she cries for it until I give in. I have had a couple of ideas but any guidance will be appreciated. 1. To split feed a bottle (ideally want to avoid this as I am concerned she then won't take a full BT feed). 2. To gradually introduce solids on wake up from CN instead - she has really taken to breakfast the last few days so I think she will have no problem with it.
Any thoughts? I'm having nightmares about the nursery ringing me up to come BF an unconsolable baby.
Thanks in advance