I'm after some advice to extend my lo's nap please. Context being, my lo has had severe reflux, it is usually managed with meds but she can still be symptomatic at times. We were told to keep her upright for 3 hrs following food (!) by a gp but the consultant has said this is excessive. However, as a result she has always fallen asleep on us (being rocked), walked in the pram or in the car for naps. Two weeks ago we started to use the pu/pd method with, for us, cracking results-she falls asleep in the cot! Result! However, she varies how long she will stay asleep for: most of the time it is either 30 or 45 mins. It has been longer on a couple of occasions. (when she slept on me, she sometimes woke at this time but I rocked her back to sleep). She wakes after the short naps full of beans:talking to herself, kicking her arms and legs-happy as Larry. I've left her for 40 mins but she's happy to just entertain herself. I've tried putting a dummy back in, putting my hand on her chest (in and out of her eye line), tried taking her dummy out and back in at varying times before she wakes. She still looks tired when I do eventually bring her down (dark circles around her eyes). Within an hour or so, she's yawning and rubbing her eyes. I've tried waiting for the next nap time (3 hrs) after her last nap and tried putting her down as soon as she's shows tiredness cues but currently, with the same result:30/45 mins.
I use a wind down of just walking around the house and then do same routine of putting white noise on, saying 'nan night', humming a lullaby or two and then darkness for a few minutes, lay her down, sleep bag on, dummy and comforter. Hand on her chest and shhhh if need be ( I know this is meant to disrupt but seems to help??). She will usually turn her head and be asleep within a minute or two.
Night time, she goes down well, she will rarely wake but we do feed once a night under the advice of our hv due to feeding habits during the day. Since the change in nap times she has had varying nights, waking a bit more frequently: she will usually go back to sleep on her own if she just moans, other wise if she cries, we would put the dummy in or ssh her. Both usually work. She is now waking at 5 am and we can't get her to go back to Sleep at this point.
I've read that if she wakes early, to put her to bed early, which we have been doing-usually asleep in cot by about 6-is this right?
I have been put with her and was walking during her sleep times on two occasions and she still only slept for 30/45 mins! This used to be a sure way of long naps!
Weaning has been a bit 'slow' as we started this as she was beginning with a bad attack of reflux so she developed a bit of an aversion as had been bring sick...
Aware the dummy may be a prob but we have told this helps her reflux so not keen on getting rid of this yet.
Our EASY was, prior to using pu/pd on a 4 hr cycle with 2 long sleeps and one cat nap. I'm aware that this could now be just two naps, but to be honest naps are so hit and miss, our 'a' is all over the shop.
Sorry for the long post.... We're so pleased that our lo is finally getting to sleep without being rocked using the pu/pd but now I feel a bit lost with extending naps, activity time due to her being shattered, would really appreciate some advice on how to move forward please.
This is a rough EASY as it can vary from me reacting to her sleep cues or trying to waif a bit longer to her previous 'a' time.
An example
Wake at 5:20
Brought down at 6: bottle (always taken 100ml and then 80/90 30 mins later)
7ish weetabix ( varies if takes this)
Shows signs of tiredness 2 hrs later after waking so usually will start winding down and usually asleep by 2.5 hrs (tried extending this and naps were worse - when rocking used to take ages to get her yo sleep if left longer than 2.5hrs)
8:30 ish wakes
E 10 am
S today was rubbing eyes excessively and yawning, put her down at 11, fell straight to sleep-woke 30 mins later
S 2:30-3
E 3:00
S 6pm