Author Topic: 3.5 month old habitual night waking. Night 5 of shh pat  (Read 1227 times)

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3.5 month old habitual night waking. Night 5 of shh pat
« on: April 15, 2015, 20:39:44 pm »
Our 3.5 month old 14.5lbs daughter is waking up at 12pm or 1am every night even though she is going down at 7:15pm for bed every night. We know she can make it until at least 3 am as this used to be her normal night feed time. On the first night she put herself back to sleep at midnight and then woke at 1am when my husband did shh/pat and got her back to sleep in 15 minutes. The next night she slept right to 4am on her own. The third night she had a set back and woke at 1am and my husband spent 1.5 hrs with shh/pat and pupd to get her back down. She then woke at 4am to feed. Last night she was up again at midnight and it only took 40 minutes to get her back down without a feed and we then fed her when she woke at 4am. My question is, should we expect her to do this every night or will she eventually understand not to wake up at this early time? The reason we implemented this is we returned from an overseas trip 2 weeks ago and she got in the habit of waking at 12, 3, 4:30am and 6am when she obviously didn't need the feed and we needed to do some intervention on her night feeds to get some sleep! How long should we stick with shh/pat before giving up and feeding her at night? Thanks for your help!

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 3.5 month old habitual night waking. Night 5 of shh pat
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2015, 14:22:46 pm »
Hi there and welcome to BW
Would you consider implementing a dream feed between 10 & 11? That should eliminate hunger as a cause of the wakings, and it might help with that NF too. It is completely normal for babies who previously went longer between feeds or STTN to start needing 1 or 2 feeds. There is also a growth spurt around this time which might be contributing to the wakings.
However, since you feel these wakings are more habitual, you see if one of these methods help
How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)

Hat's off to Dh for sticking it out for 1.5 hours with settling! I honestly would have just fed if it would get her back to sleep:) After you feed her, does she go back to sleep without an issue?

Just one last point -- since these wakings are so random, it might be worth taking a look at your daily routine to see if anything there could be contributing to the problem. You could post it here in EASY format if you would like us to take a look
