Author Topic: Snacking baby - how to move onto EASY?  (Read 1900 times)

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Snacking baby - how to move onto EASY?
« on: April 19, 2015, 19:10:33 pm »
My son is 2 weeks old and eats often - his natural routine is generally for him to spend 1.5 hours feeding and then to sleep for 2 hours.
At 4 weeks old Id like to start to move him towards a routine but am unsure how this will work with his requirement to take 1.5 hrs per feed. I already strip him down to his nappy and play with his feet to keep him awake and on the boob so think he's not about to get suddenly faster.
The concept of dream feed therefore also doesn't work as I have to properly wake him up when he does wake or he'll take 2.5 hrs to feed or just snack & doze.
Any thoughts on how to transition him?
I have already tried him once on a bottle with breastmilk which he took to well enough so also wonder whether I can tank him up once a day to get him sleeping longer at night.

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Re: Snacking baby - how to move onto EASY?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2015, 22:44:52 pm »
Hon he is still so young I would not for a moment consider that he has a snacking habit! As he grows his feed times will shorten and he will be ready for a bit of awake time in between the feed and sleep (even just a diaper change and a look around for a few minutes!). Really EASY is just a pattern to the day, the time doesn't matter so much as the order (and even that sometimes varies). Nightfeeds are quite important for supply and they will gradually space out as well so I would go by his cues for now.

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Re: Snacking baby - how to move onto EASY?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2015, 20:30:03 pm »
I totally agree. What he is doing sounds normal for his age. It will get quicker and easier soon. By 6wks most babies wake up and speed up with the feeds
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Re: Snacking baby - how to move onto EASY?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2015, 22:06:10 pm »
Does his latch look good? Does it feel good to you? Some babies are just slow eaters when they're that young, but if you have easy access to a lactation consultant you could have her check the latch, and make sure that there's no tongue tie or lip tie. Mine took forever and ever and ever to eat until we had his tongue tie clipped, then he was normal.

Is he eating from both sides at each feeding? How do you know when he's ready to switch sides? What does he do when he's finished eating - does he fall asleep on the breast, or does he finish, unlatch, then settle down to sleep?

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Re: Snacking baby - how to move onto EASY?
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2015, 05:07:20 am »
Also, just as a side note, if your baby has not yet returned to his birth weight, you definitely don't want to limit his feedings.  The first three months are always the hardest, and of that time, the first 6 weeks is the most challenging.  It does get easier, I promise!  A lactation consultant is a great idea, especially if this is your first.  You could also Google La Leche Leagues in your area.