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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #90 on: May 29, 2015, 08:01:04 am »
Oh no :( try shaving a bit more off the am nap then? What did she do today? With DS whenever I found I just couldn't get a good pm nap whatever A time he did, I'd cap the morning nap further. But I agree to suddenly do 35mins after previously doing a nice long one is a bit strange... Do you think the nice long pm naps could have been catching up with OT, and now she either needs a push in second A time or a shorter first nap? How was she in the afternoon after the 35min nap? My DD was a wreck yesterday pm so definitely OT! But if yours seemed to be on an even keel then maybe UT is at play...

Hope you enjoy your long weekend with DH :) Funny, not even we get a long weekend for the Queen's birthday! But we do get two bank holiday Mondays in May so I guess that's plenty :)

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2015, 08:01:33 am »
Ps DS is 4 and a half, you can see from my ticker ;)

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #92 on: May 29, 2015, 08:46:18 am »
She was surprisingly ok, tried to resettle a bit but then what do you know!!! The poo comes 🙊🙊 everytime. Could this be waking her up ?!!! Soooo annoying!

I'm going to shave off 10 mins am nap. And try for another week?? Then if that doesn't work I guess I'll see if stretching her first A to get a good nap works this time. On a positive note, she hasn't been having any OT wakes after first going down for the night even with a total of only 2hrs day sleep !! Strange really.

Have you tried stretching your dd's first WT at all ? Or does she not handle long WT's?
You're so lucky she does so well on short WT's! Dd settles quickly with both WT's. It's just the afternoon !! 😒😒

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2015, 13:41:02 pm »
Oh the nap time poos are sooo annoying! I can never be sure whether the poo wakes them or they stir for some other reason and then poo because they're awake?

Yes I'd try shaving 10mins off, it sounds like she might be doing better with less daytime sleep, what do you think?

I can't/don't want to stretch DD's first A time if I can help it, I have preschool runs to work around so she can't have a long nap until the afternoon anyway, and the short am,long pm works better with our childminder although she won't start with her until September. It's funny, it's like a switch has flicked since yesterday, she played around for ages again this pm nap so will definitely have to shorten first nap and/or increase second A time... tricky working around preschool runs, we can't go too early with the pm nap until preschool mornings finish at the end of July... I think our ww starts today/tomorrow officially so she may just need to be much more tired before her pm nap in order to switch off! I wonder if that could be the case with yours too?? I feel like there can be so much more activity and stimulation during that second A time as opposed to the first, which is not really so much more than getting up and ready for the day, that they can get all wired and have all this stuff going around their heads, so they really have be sleepy to nap... Sorry thinking aloud here!

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2015, 13:54:16 pm »
How's it going? I shaved just 5mins off the am nap and kept the pm nap at the same time, have had lovely long pm naps since :) EWs though, so still some tweaking to do...

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2015, 18:18:30 pm »
Hey!! Oh excellent ! After that bad afternoon she slept 12.5 hrs overnight straight through. Yesterday was pretty good. 1hr15 hr in morn,1.5hrs 3.15mins later. DH had her so he wasn't keen on waking her up !! But yes EW's here too!! 5.30 😩 last two days. Does this usually mean to extend the first WT?

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #96 on: May 31, 2015, 18:29:33 pm »
Great day yesterday then :) Maybe she had too much daytime sleep or not enough A to bed yesterday? Just saying since she did a good night after that day with little sleep. Yes, EWs can mean the first A time is too short or the first nap too long - I try capping the first nap further instead of pushing it out, but that's partly to fit in with other things, including what will work with her childminder when she goes. I see that your DH let her have a much longer first nap yesterday, I suspect she made up for lost night sleep due to the EW, during that first nap, which then reinforced the EW which you got again today - if that makes sense? But whether you cap or push really depends on which approach you want to take, so if you want to be consistent in trying short am, long pm, then you'll probably want to cap rather than push. But please bear in mind I'm only going by what's worked for us, and tbh it worked much better with DS since that was the pattern he naturally wanted; DD is proving more tricky and I think she'd naturally go the other way but that wouldn't fit around DS and preschool.

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #97 on: June 01, 2015, 02:32:47 am »
Makes sense !! Pushed her out to 9 for first nap, she woke after 40 mins naturally, and was a right whinger until next nap at 3.05hrs WT. Currently been asleep 1hr50mins. So let's see what tonight/tomorrow's like. Yesterday she had a 3.5AT to bed. So that shouldn't of been the cause of the EW. Must of been the longer morning nap. Is your morning nap down to 50mins now ? Is she grumpy when you wake her ?

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Re: Almost 9 month old
« Reply #98 on: June 01, 2015, 09:06:13 am »
DD does 55mins in the morning now after 3h up time - I'm not even sure whether she EW'd this morning as I was so tired, I may have dozed off after she first woke or maybe she did, but when I did look at the time it was almost up time anyway! She's fine being woken from the first nap. Wonder if yours was a tad OT waking at 40mins and being cranky?? Or maybe it was something else bothering her...