Hi newkidontheblock
Thanks for your reply! Since I posted, I've been trying to extend DD2's feeds to 4 hours and she's been doing it happily (and even doing longer, i.e. refusing a feed!) so I obviously was raising a snacker! So that problem is solved. But even with spacing it out 4 hours, she's not eating more/longer - she's still nursing for 10 mins total. I nurse her in a quiet, dark room with her sound machine still on. Typically I nurse in the morning on wakeup, immediately after she wakes up from her first nap (around 1000-1030), immediately before her second nap (130) and after her second nap (around 300 because invariably she's asking for it and didn't nurse long enough before) and then right before bed (630). I know I need to consolidate that nursing before and after her second nap, but I feel like if I don't feed her before she goes down, it'll be 5 hours between feeds - isn't that a lot at this age?
She's eating solids like a champ and recently I have been trying to mix expressed milk or formula into the solids, but it's maybe 2oz. Is it possible that I'm feeding her too much solids?
When you say you feed twice in the second A time, you mean the time between the morning and afternoon nap? I'm going to try what you suggested and feed her on WU, after each nap and BT. Do you think that's enough?
Her A time has just started stretching out and once it started, it stretched quickly! We are now doing 2.5-3 hours between WU and 1st nap, 3-3.5 hours between 1st and 2nd naps and 3.75 hrs between 2nd nap at BT. I read somewhere that the first A time should be shorter and get progressively longer as the day goes on, but that sounds counterintuitive to me now that I've typed out our A times. I'm wondering if I tinker with it and get her to do 3 hrs between each if that would work? So something like:
700 WU
1000-1115 S (she always does 1.25hrs)
215-330 S
630 BT
My real issue right now is those EWs too. She's been getting up at 540 the last few mornings after 3x or more a night and asking for a full feed and then wanting to stay up. She's in great spirits and wants to play, so to keep her from waking up DD1, I get her and take her downstairs with me. That means that she's up from 540 to 900 until she goes down for her first nap (with me stretching her to that time) and can't even make it to 930, which used to be her nap time. It's messing with the feeds and messing with her sleep I'm sure, causing more NWs. I know it's a vicious cycle, I just don't know how to stop it.
Are you nursing at night? Or have you night weaned? If you night weaned, did you do PU/PD or fading or something else? I feel like I have no skills at putting her back to sleep at night without nursing and I know I just have to bite the bullet and commit and do something. I tried fading but I think I may have gone too quickly and now that we're down to nursing just one side for each NW, she's just waking up more times! Argh!