My 5 week old was like clockwork for the first 3 weeks but now we are having some serious issues with nap times. I manage to catch his sleepy clues and on the second yawn, I take him upstairs and have our little nap time ritual I.e. I close the curtains and sit with him in our chair for some cuddles. I wait for the 'seven mile stare' but it doesn't come and before I know it, LO is crying and it quickly turns into screams.
I swaddled and ssh pat for what seems like an eternity. Sometimes he will fall asleep within 5 minutes and sometimes he will cry himself to sleep. This has been going on for the last 2 weeks and now our routine has gone out of the window.
Am I waiting too long to take him to bed? I've tried after the first yawn and the third...any advice would be appreciated!!