thanks for the translation. I write down to save time since we are in different time, maybe KOE2MOE could check it if the English is not correct.
5月12日和13日的晚上非常好,几乎没有长时间的夜醒。12th MAY and 13th MAY , nights looks much better, only very short NW, obviously little OT. but yesterday he refuse the nap in pram, so much overtired, and night wake more.
S:12:~14:00, wake and 12:43 and asleep again
WU:5.55. no prolonged NW all night, only some little cry last one or two seconds,
S:12:00~13:20, he wake then touched his toy, make a noise, so he cann’t asleep again
Wu:6:20, no prolonged waking, maybe two NW, but asleep quickly
S: 8:50~9:19,
S:12~14:00, wake at 12:36 and 13:30
He refuse the last nap even in pram till 17:00, but seems tired 17:00, we back home because his dinner. I don't know why he refuse the nap, because he got up late?or noon nap was broken 2hr? but several days ago , same broken 2hr, he was asleep easily in pram.
BT:19:00, he was tired when drink last bottle formula
WU:6:20 several short cry during night, obviously OT, at 4:00, wake for ten mins, then suck his thumb ,sleep slightly after that. He yawns after waking up.
Now I don’t know how to do in following days, obviously he was not satisfied with his daysleep, overtired, but not too much, I am not sure if I should increase the length of the first nap to 30mins or put him down earlier.
According my experience, if allow him sleep as much as he want before 9:00, maybe a long nap, to compensate his poor night, but the following nap will be short, and not sure if he fight the third nap, then the following morning will be bad also.
I also find wake him up after morning nap at 20mins is not easy, I have to stay at his room, go make sure when he was asleep to decide when to wake him up, I cann’t sure when he was asleep since 20 mins is so strictly.
It seems like we have some similar at 8 month, I think cannt pull him to 11:15 now for his night is with NW, he maybe overtied and only take a short nap at 11:00? How do you do with the transiton? you just pull him to 11:15 someday or gradually with it? lo is 8.5 month now, I think whatever routine , he will needn't three naps, if still do it, maybe result in other problem. nights became better this week maybe because he grow up? I never got a short morning nap with a long afternoon nap, maybe his nature.
for the question about settled on day nap, he always asleep within 2 mins at 12:00, take 2mins for nap around 8:45 if he get up 6:00, but take 5~8mins if get up 6:20 or 6:30, I make him calm 15mins before nap , with reading stories on my lap, then sing for him
his tired cues are not obvious, he is more intersted in crawl and stand , he is strong and skilled with crawl and stand with a little support.
根据我之前的经验,如果有夜醒,早上又让他随意睡的话,他可能睡的久来弥补晚上的睡眠,但这样会造成白天后面的觉短,而且不确定他会不会抵抗第三个nap. 同时早上睡太多补交的话好像第二天还是会夜醒和早醒,像个恶性循环。