Just as soon as we figured out smooth bed times, our LO's naps got rough. He is 13 weeks. At about 11 weeks, he started needing more soothing to go down for a nap and naps varied in length. This also started the day after he took two really long car naps on a road trip. In the past week, he is pretty consistently at 45 minutes per nap.
We were on a good 3-hour EWS routine with a DWT varying between 7:30a to 8a, depending on when he woke.
Our routine now looks more like this:
8a: wake up and eat 4 oz
9:30 sleep
10:15 fuss, cry, soothe, may or may not sleep more
*if it's been 2.5 hours since he last ate, I feed*
And then this repeats all day...
Bedtime varies, generally 1.5 hours after he last got up
To soothe, I have tried shh-pat (works well to get back to sleep but wakes again shortly after), rocking (works okay but he frequently wakes when I set him down), swing (didn't prolong nap), and wake-to-sleep at 30 minutes in (he woke up so much, he cried and couldn't be calmed back to sleep).
He always naps a full 1.5 hours if we are driving in the car without a lot of stops or if he's been transferred from the car to crib in the middle of the nap.
I know this is common around this age, but I am just having a hard time accepting it has to be this way! What other things could I try? Should I go from a 3-hour routine to a consistent 2.5- or 3.5-hour routine?
And a general question: Is it more important to always feed after he wakes or to always feed at the pre-determined time interval (3 hours)? So, for example, feed when he wakes after 45 minutes or get him up, let him have awake time, feed right at 3 hours, more awake time, and back down for a nap.
Any suggestions are welcome! I'm not getting anything done over here