Hello! I just started shh/pat on my 10 week old Lo yesterday for both naps n night, and came across many questions.
she used to be shh/pat n rocked in arm to sleep and then transfered to crib. Now I try put her into crib directly after the 2nd or 3rd yawn. But she'll just lie there quietly for 10-20min, then fuss, then in about 10 min it goes to a degree that cannot be calmed by shh/pat in the crib, so I'll pick her up. She'll still fight several times, and eventually before I feel she's calm enough to be put to crib again, she falls asleep in my arm.
I didnt want her to lose the nap so I usually decides to pick her up and calm after 20 min or so unsuccessful shh/pat in the crib and let her falls asleep in arm if she looks overtired in the process (sucking my neck, rubbing face against my shoulder, fight, etc). For night, she'll resist sleep for 1 hr then it's time to feed and she falls asleep on breast.
My question is --
1) will she develops the habit that she'll resist sleep until been picked up after the long shh/pat? I don't know if she'll smart enough to figure out there will be a pickup lies ahead if she keeps fighting, and make a leverage...
2) shall I first make her drowsy in my arm, then put her onto crib n shh/pat? But it's very hard to catch the window. Many times she'll keep fuss then fall asleep immediately after a fight, leaving me no time to put her down. Or, I got the window, she was in the crib and shh/pat went well, then she suddenly started fuss again and I'll have to pick her up.
3) I am trying to avoid over stimulating her so I limit the practice to 20 min, then calm and let her sleep whatever method she likes. Shall I push her harder?
Look forward to any advices n ideas, thank you!
Ps..we are on 3 hr EASY starting 7 am for the day, but she never falls asleep at 7 pm, usually 8-9 pm.