The key to motherhood is actually not keeping the routine, but being able to deal with the bumps & turns when they routine doesn't go to plan. The routines & rituals are the road map, but as children don't run to clock work & increasingly they have their own agenda, its more about learning to work with it rather than stress over keeping to the routine.
As an example, he's due for a nap, you might need to take him for a walk to settle him & then he might only sleep 30mins where he'd normally do 1.5hours, so you try to work out a way to tweak the rest of the day & you learn from that for the next time.
I found with both my boys it was the 'ritual' that happened before a nap that was more a key than where the nap happened. With DS2 he rarely napped at home unless Ds1 was napping also because we were out doing things to keep DS1 busy... for that reason even as a 9yo if DS2 is tired enough he will still fall asleep in the car LOL