Thanks for the response, creations!
Ok I think I might try that first option. So basically introduce a solids dinner before the last feed of the day, and then after that try dropping one of the feeds.
Also, I should have mentioned, I've noticed she drinks less milk during her last 2 feeds of the day. Her 4 milk feeds of the day usually are: 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 5-6 minutes, and 4-6 minutes, respectively. I'm assuming this means perhaps I will eventually try dropping the 3rd feed of the day first, but let's see what happens.
I was hoping to give her cow's milk in a straw cup. She currently uses it for water, but not any milk. Hope that won't be a problem? Should I get her some practice with expressed breast milk in the straw cup soon?
Also, at what age would you give her a little cow's milk to make sure she isn't allergic to it or anything before completely switching over?
Thanks again!