My boys have just turned 18 months and we are working on the 2 to 1 nap transition. We tried it a few months ago and just fell apart, but this time around it seems to be going much better. I just have a couple questions that I'm hoping for a little insight on.
First, we've been gradually pushing their morning nap back a bit each day hoping it will lengthen, but they're still sleeping about the same amount as they were when we were doing two naps. Anywhere from 60-90 minutes is a typical nap right now, which doesn't seem like enough for them when that's the only nap! Any suggestions on how to help them lengthen that nap?
Also, they've been waking up very early, since even a few weeks before we started the transition. I was hoping that going down to one nap would help us with that problem, but it hasn't

I know that early wake ups can often be overtired, but I'm not sure that's what it is since they were doing it well before the transition started. Any ideas?
This is what our EASY has looked like since we started the transition about a week ago...
Sometime between 4am-5am start fussing and stirring in bed
5:30-5:45 awake
11:30-1:00 nap (slowly pushing this time back, about 15 minutes every couple days)
6:00 bed
Sometimes we've been getting nw (which is unusual for them).
Thank you so much for any ideas you might have for us!