Hmmm... If she's a bit crabby in the morning then another option is to do a short catnap at around 9ish, and then let her have her longer nap in the afternoon, which would then see her to bedtime more easily. So something like:
WU: 5.30 - 6
Nap 1: Set at 9am for 30 minutes
Nap 2: Try 1pm set nap, uncapped. Hopefully get at least 1.5hrs here.
BT: 7
Then if the second nap isn't long enough you can gradually shorten the first until she's ready to properly move to one nap.
What do you think?
With regards to your questions....
When you say keep a decent A til bed, after a 20 min CN how long roughly would that be? I feel that she needs around 2-2.5 hrs, if more I feel she gets OT as I tried about 3 hrs A time. Or do you mean to not get a too long day?
Yes, I meant not to have too long a day, really. It looks like you're getting to the point where allowing a catnap and a decent A til bed makes the day too long. The A after the cn can be whatever you feel is right for her, but if you're having to AP a cn at around 3.5hrs A after a decent first nap, then probably a final A of 2.5hrs is interfering with her night, even if she seems tired - this is more likely to be cos her day is getting long by that point rather than 3 hrs A being too long after a 30 minute nap. Most LOs only shorten their A by around 20 minutes after a short nap.
How should I go about if she has i.e. a cold but not fever with sleep and naps? Try to stick to usual EASY?
Yes, if it's just a cold, I would, or maybe slightly shorten her usual A if she seems tired or is not sleeping well.
Today she was playing in bed for over 30 mins, standing up all the time, I tried putting her down several times and then finally she fell asleep, A time 5.5 hrs. If she sleeps over 1.5 hrs should I skip CN or have it anyways as it might be late for CN?
If she does that again, I'd let her sleep completely uncapped and then do EBT rather than try and get a cn in. Generally if a LO can handle 4.5 - 5 hrs A they're ready for one nap, so if she did 5.5 I'd defintely make that a one nap day.
We are travelling next weekend by car, it is a long trip. If she does not fall asleep in car or sleep long for her am nap what do I do then? We will be travelling the whole day and also when it is time for her BT, what is your advice? If she doesn't fall asleep in the car (we don't have a car so she has not been in a car that many times and when she has she hasn't been too happy about it) can I get her to fall asleep in pram and then put her in car seat?
When travelling and LO is on 1 nap per day, what is your advice if that 1 nap is not long enough or does not happen at all?
It's hard when you're travelling - you kind of have to accept that everything may go out of the window for a while and then concentrate on getting back on track when you're home. I would try and get her in the car early to give her time to get used to it before she gets tired. You might then find she falls asleep OK. If it's getting really late and she's just not sleeping, could you plan a lunch or coffee break around a nap in the buggy for her? If you think you'll get away with transfering her you could try that, though I would never have gotten away with that at 11 months. My two weren't that massive on sleep though! Otherwise I'd try and let her sleep as long as you can get away with in the buggy. One thing to bear in mind is that she won't be getting much activity in the car seat, so if she doesn't nap much, some of it will be mitigated by the fact that she will be having a very quiet day! She might have to get by on 2 cat naps that day, if that's the way it goes. If she falls asleep late and then only cat naps, I'd try another one about 3 - 3.5hrs later. it depends on how she does in the car and how much flexibility you have to stop I guess...
I know you said if she sleeps am nap for 2 hrs I can skip CN, she has been sleeping 1 hr 45 mins do you advice to skip CN then also or stick with CN? It is a but tricky I feel, as days will then be too long for her with CN, but maybe OT if without CN. Maybe I should just wake her after 1.5 hrs to keep CN. What do you think?
If you want to stick with the long am nap, I'd let her sleep uncapped at that one and just offer the cn at your normal time and let her use it to self regulate. If she's tired, she'll take it, if she's not, she won't. If you've capped the first nap and then she doesn't take the cn, she'll have a long time til bed
The only exception to that might be if you think she's really tired overall and her long am nap falls early in the day, in which case a 1.5hr nap and a catnap will probably help her get over OT better than one long nap and then a very long A til bed. You might have to judge that a bit on the day - or switch to a short am / long pm nap and then only cap the long nap if it's getting too close to BT. We switched it round towrds the end of the 2-1 for the same reason.
Hope that's all helpful!