Today's EASY
E - 4.43. 10 mins. didnt want anymore, had to be rocked to sleep
S - 6.00
E - tried at 7. Refused!
S - 8.30-9.30. Think he had wind but confused as his last feed was at 4.43
E - 9.55. Total of 37 minutes
S - 11.00-1.00
E - 1.25. 17 mins.
S- 2.30-4.00
E - 4.21. 25 mins.
S - 5.15-6.00
E - 7.00
S - 7.20
So today l've tried to change my feeding position, l tried reclining & initially he was ok with that but if I then fed him on the other side he wouldnt be happy but would feed if l sat normally. Obviously he's not a fan of lying down on s full stomach!
I've tried three different ways to feed him today. 1, Hand expressing, 2, latch him on & unlatching him when letdown came & caught spray in muslin & 3, feeding him through the let down & then when he unlatches & cries at me to give him 5 minutes to calm down. The have all worked well. The problem with no.2 is that l don't feel my letdown. Will have a search for different stages of a feed.
He refused the breast. He did wake up but then we had the school run to do so fell back to sleep in the pram. It was just bad timing on my behalf! Didn't realise being engorged made it worse. No wonder he didn't want to fee at 4.55 on Thursday.
I've been feeding on one side at each feed today & that seems to have helped a littke, he's a bit less cross than he has been previously.
Thanks to you both for your help