My son is 15.5 weeks old and has been consistently cat napping since he was 9 weeks old. Up until last week he was having 5 short naps a day, but after his night sleep started regressing we've decided to invest the time in nap extensions.
He is swaddled, no pacifier. Falls asleep using shush/pat in the crib. Tried wake to sleep, but it doesn't work for him. If I go in at 25 minutes and hold his arms through the jolts, I've found he is able to stay asleep. If I leave before 60 minutes, he will only sleep an extra 5 minutes after I leave. But if I stay until 60 minutes, he will sleep an hour and a half or more!
So far it's been 4 days, we've cut out 1 nap and I can tell he is happier and more alert during his awake time, and able to stay up slightly longer, so I can see that if we keep it up we'll be down to 3 naps soon.
To me it feels worth it at this point to spend the 35 minutes cribside 3x a day (soon to be 2x a day once we drop a nap) because I can see how much is benefiting him. But I'm just curious how long I'm into this for. Will holding him through the transition eventually help him to do it on his own? Or can I expect to keep doing this for him for quite a while? I've read a lot of kids grow out of the cat napping naturally around 5-6 months... Is this likely to be faster for him if we get him used to these lengths of naps using this method? Or is it more a temporary per-nap solution until he grows out of it?