Hi there, I wrote a long reply earlier then lost it! ugh, hate that. Anyway, first of all congratulations on your pregnancy
Of course as always the timing for DD could be better, seems to often be the way!
Her routine looks good, and it's clear that you are familiar with what works for her, you seem to know her very well
. 18 months is a typical age for sleep going wonky, due to development and often teething, which I think seems pretty relevant in this case. Teething causes extra saliva to pool in the mouth, and this often causes a cough when sliding down the throat, making it seem like LO has a cough. But in addition it can cause bowel changes, I believe due to LO swallowing all that saliva also (don't quote me on that reason, it's back in my memory somewhere from DS
) I do wonder if once the teething is done, she will just stop EW and go back to her routine.
Is there anything else going on developmentally, like a speech/movement leap for example
Here is a link for you Hun, let me know your thoughts.
18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3((HUGS))