Aw bless you honey. These boards are "staffed" by people just like you, we come here, receive support from others, make friends and stick around to give support back. It is a wonderful place to be part of, I hope you feel the same
I can understand your concern about making sure your DD1 gets sufficient sleep, I can imagine it is very important to make sure ahe does not get OT.
So it sounds like her EAS was:
WU: 7.15
Nap: 1-2.30 (capped)
Bt: tried for 8 - not sure what time she did go to sleep.
This actually sounds like a good EAS, if she'll sleep for these times. My own Dd would have found this too much sleep even at 2 years old, but if it's not broken keep with it. You may well find that s time goes on you need to cap that nap shorter and keep WU from the nap the same time to keep BT no later than 7.30. We opted to move BT later and keep the nap full length as this suited our DD better. She was a true grump all afternoon if her nap was capped. The downside of this was that Bt did get pretty late as we moved the nap later in the day and it got as late as 9.30/10 just before we went cold turkey to no nap.
It is difficult to go through the 1-0 without some OT unfortunately, but for now it sounds like nap capping suits you best and keeps BT more stable for you as a family.
So DD2:
WU: 7.15
Nap: 11.30-2.15 (still a good length nap even though a little less than 2 hours). You could tey shifting this a little bit later - say 15 mins - to see if she sleeps a little longer again, or it could just be a one off shorter nap.
BT: after 8.20pm
Do you feel like DD2 needs to have her nap capped too? Or is it possible the chatting at BT was caused by her being OT at BT due to the slightly attempt? Sometimes LOs need a little more A time as they come up for the 18 month sleep regression. Do you feel she is going through a developmental blip? If so, you might need to adjust things for a while so your DD1 can head to sleep first and then put Lo2 down after (if the chatting wouldnMt wake DD1)