I have posted on here before but feel a little lost off with my daughter's routine.
At around 5/6 months she started sleeping right through until 7am but since then has gradually started waking earlier and now always wakes between 4.30/5am where I feed her and she usually goes back to sleep until 7ish.
We still give her a feed at 10.30pm and she takes a bottle of formula and usually takes a full 7oz! I wanted to drop this feed but it seems like she still needs it?
Usually she goes down for her first nap after 2.20-2.5 hrs awake time and sleep length is hit and miss each day, her second nap i put her down after 2.75 hrs activity and she usually drops off around 3 HR mark and again this is hit and miss. Yesterday though she slept for 30 mins until 10.30am and then I out her down at 2.75 activity mark and she slept for 2 hrs in the afternoon.
We have only recently transitioned to 2 naps as although I think bedtime can sometimes be a stretch-from 3pm until bed at 6.30, she was fighting this last nap.
Do you think I just need to increase awake times and hat would help, and do I need to gradually phase out the dream feed?
Many thanks in advance!