I haven't had time to sit down and write the last few days, but I'm glad to say we have made some good progress! Wednesday night I took my hand off his back and laid it next to him on the mattress. That night and the next two nights he held my hand or finger for a bit. Then Saturday night I tried to let go before he fell asleep and he was fine. Tonight he didn't even touch my hand and went to sleep on his own

I am still in the room with him, but I am happy with this progress so far!
Also, The night I started making the GW step (Wednesday), he stopped waking for that midnight feeding. Every night since then wakes sometime between 9-11 but just fusses a little so I don't go in and he goes back to sleep pretty quickly. Then he has been waking around 4, one night around 2. He usually doesn't start off crying but then he does so I go in to feed. Wednesday night he actually didn't wake until morning (no NF at all). So I guess he kinda solved the midnight feeding problem for me!
I am struggling with how to handle the next feeding when he has a NF around 4. I like to follow EAS and have always fed pretty much right when he wakes up in the morning and after naps (unless the nap is really short), but if he eats at 4 then he is not hungry when he wakes up. I have been waiting until it has been about 4 hours since the NF but he still doesn't seem hungry and take a full feed because he had a full feeding at 4. I hate to wait even longer though because it then pushes back solids (which I do an hour after Bf) and its almost nap time. Am I just supposed to kinda do what I've been doing and our day be a little off until he drops that feed?
Also, I think I am guilty of feeding him when he might not need it. I am assuming when he wakes at 4 that he has to be hungry so I feed before trying to resettle. Since I am doing GW, I am worried to try to resettle at 4 and then realize he's hungry and think I can't PU to feed after trying to resettle. Also, since I don't like to feed so close to WU, I would rather go ahead and feed when he first wakes around 4 rather than wait for him to cry to where he needs me, so I feel like I rush in before I probably should. SO for the 4ish NW, would you also wait until it sounds like he needs me, try to resettle, or just go ahead and feed?
I did end up adding 10min to the A time before the second nap. After I said my instincts were telling me to, that day I didn't increase and he refused to take that nap. He has never done that for the second nap. The next day I went ahead and increased 10min and he slept 45min. Day 2 of the increase he slept 1hr 10min, but today (day 3) he only slept 35min. I just can't seem to figure out that second nap. His first nap has been around 1hr 20min so that one is still okay. I guess I'll give him more time to maybe adjust to that increase. You think?