I have posted here before about my dds night wakings and I found it really helpful. With some advice I tweaked her daytime routine/naps and she was great. She still would wake once a night, and yes, I fed her, something people tell me I just shouldn't be doing anymore

but for me feeding her that once in the night, to know that she was going to go straight back to sleep and wake around 7am made sense to me and also kept me sane.
This week, since Sunday has pretty much been a disaster. We had one good night on Wednesday, she went down at 7.15pm and didn't wake until 4.40am for a feed. She then woke at around 7.15am. Other than that, we have had a very unsettled baby. Going to bed around 7.15pm, being unsettled with little cries until about 1.30am. At that point, I know she is definitely awake and I have fed her.

She has then woken another couple of times around 4am and 5am. I go in and put my hand on her chest and gentle shhh her until I know she is settled again. I'm utterly exhausted now and on the verge of tears most of the time because I'm self employed and struggling to concentrate properly on my job.
I don't know if she's waking early because she's starting to become more mobile and she's excited to get up and get going with her new found skill or she's OT due to 3 days of nursery (mon/tues/fri) and not getting long enough naps. Is it the very little gap in the blackout blinds letting in light. Or is she too hot/too cold. I currently have her in a thin sleepsuit with no feet and a 2.5 tog sleeping bag. As you can tell my mind is working overtime as I'm so tired. Just to note, we had her christening on Sunday, I hoped that she would nap well in the morning but only did 40 mins. The christening landed on her second nap, so I managed to get her down for 30 mins beforehand but that days was pretty bad in terms of naps.
I'm just so exhausted this week and am feeling pretty down as my DD will be one soon and I'm very aware of the fact that I now nearly haven't had a full night sleep for a year

I never thought I could still be getting up every night at this age. I realise that that was very naive of me

Any support or advice would be greatly appreciated.