Hi everyone,
My baby had a tummy bug at 4 months which coincided with the 4 month sleep regression and meant short naps and night wakings after previously sleeping through most nights and having nice long naps.
I've been shh patting if he wakes before 1.5 hours each nap, and now he is having good day naps again, but he is waking a lot at night still.
He generally has A time between 1.5 and 1.75 hours and naps are at least 2 hours, with a 1/2 hour cat nap at the end of the day. Last night he went to sleep at 7, and woke at 1, 3:30, 5:30, 6:30 then up for the day at 7:50
I've been feeding him for each waking because he had terrible diarrhoea, but that's resolved now, should I be trying to resettle without feeds for any of those wakings?