My little one is 1 week away from 6 mths ( corrected 5 mth). Her easy is
Wu 0630-0715
Eat 5 mins very efficient sucker in newborn ( I have oversupply of milk too)
Sometimes I need to bf before nap here so she doesn't wake up hungry at 10ish. Put I always put her down awake n she self soothe to sleep after weaning off dummy.
Nap 0845/0900-1030/1100 (1.5-2hr)
Eat 1130/1200 (3.5-4 hr from last feed)
Nap 1300-1500 (1.5-2hr)
Eat 1530
Last nap 1700-1730 30min only
Eat 1900
Bedtime 1915/1930
Dreamfeed 10/1015pm
NW between 0300-0400 feed
Wake up between 0600-0700 I feed sometimes she will go back to sleep.
I have tried going to 4hr between feed to see if she sucks longer but still the same time 5 mins.
My question is during NW sometimes she doesn't cry but talk to herself for 1 hr didn't go to sleep until I feed her or she will be dozing off then wake again until I feed her. She is awake when I put her down then self soothe to sleep in 5-10mins.
I m in the process of weaning swaddle n dummy too. It's is going really well.
So I m not sure, she sometimes does sleep 10pm to 0530. A hand full of time.
Not sure how to wean off night feed. How to tell if she really needs it. Night feed my boobs are always very engorged but she always have around 5-7 mins on it. (She is a very efficient bf baby ever since a newborn she only nurses for 5 mins and gain tons of weight).
She is a very high sleep baby need like 15-16 hrs to sleep with awake time of 2-2.15hr.
If first nap is 1.5 next nap might be 2 hr. But generally 1.5-1.45 hr. I m not sure y she is not sleeping thru the night. My first child slept thru since 6 weeks. But second dd is so diff with such high sleep need.
Pls help to shed some light. TIA