I've done the quiz again just now. He is mostly textbook with a few spirited and touchy features.
I think OS might be an issue because I used to find that his naps were terrible on the days the my eldest was at home, despite doing the same thing (routine wise) as the days it is just the two of us at home. As you can imagine, the stimulation level is quite different. I am fairly quiet so the house is fairly quiet on our home days. My 4 year old and my husband bring a lot more noise and bustle into the day. My LO doesn't seem to be bothered either way as far as mood is concerned. The pattern with my elder son at home isn't consistent anymore either. Nor is good sleep/bad sleep based on level of physical activity or number of outings during the day but I haven't really examined this.
Let me describe him a little more and see what you think. He's a fairly happy, smiley baby most of the time and he has been described as 'the happiest baby in the world'. This is often despite having a broken night sleep or poor naps (in contrast to my eldest son who was unbearable if he didn't have a good sleep behind him). He doesn't immediately take to new people but he's not bothered by them. He used to smile very readily but now he's a bit more discerning. He learned to self settle relatively early but we had a long stretch where he was hard to get to sleep at bedtime. For the most part, it seemed like he just wanted to play, particularly if it was me who went in to help him settle. He is often awake in the night - happy, alert and wanting to play. Once he is awake, getting him back to sleep takes a long time.
He has been a very efficient breast feeder from quite early and will let me know if he doesn't think he's getting enough. When he has a bottle, he's very efficient with that too and likes to do it himself. When OT at BT however, I need to turn the lights off in his room for him to focus on either the breast or the bottle. With the light on, he wants to play with the light, play with his books, get on the floor etc etc. I have to be careful with sitting and reading before a sleep time because he can get excited by his books. This having been said, when I turn off the light and cuddle him in preparation for bed, he make the transition from quite alert to relaxed surprisingly easily.
He likes going for a walk in the pram and going to the supermarket although he can be quite vocal in the supermarket. He seems to be a sensation seeker - often touching his books, me, rubbing his face on things and, at times throwing things at his own head to get a laugh from his brother. He likes vigorous movement of his body during play. He doesn't like to hold still for a nappy change. Key milestones were all 'on time', with the exception of the textbook sleep progressions. He was still feeding twice overnight at 9 months and didn't sleep 11-12 hours until around 12 months. He is just now (at 12 months) getting picking with his solids which I think is developmentally normal. He is also fairly clingy at the moment, such that I'm not able to go out of sight or leave him in the play pen for more than a few minutes. Independently play will usually cease if he sees me.