Hi all,
I transitioned my almost 4 month old to the 4hr EASY routine from the 3hr routine. Since the transition, he has been getting up many more times at nights (12:30am, 2am, 4am, 5am), and struggling going back to sleep (offering paci, rocking, etc). He is not really hungry (maybe snacks on an oz if I try), so I don't think that is the reason why he wakes up. I was not sure if it was the new routine causing the night awakings and if I should try to switch back to 3/3.5hr routine. Or maybe it is a growth spurt?
He does well during the day - we can mostly follow the routine. Naps ok (45 min to 2 hrs). He takes 5 oz or so at each feeding. We give him expressed milk in a bottle and supplement with formula when needed.
Thank you in advance for your help.