Author Topic: 3 month never-ending growth spurt. Help!  (Read 1815 times)

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Offline Westsmom

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3 month never-ending growth spurt. Help!
« on: June 04, 2015, 17:59:23 pm »
My LO is EBF and is now 13 weeks old and has been going through a growth spurt since 11 weeks? We are now on day 14. (His past growth spurts have usually lated 9 days). Previous to this " growth spurt" he was on a 3 hour feeding schedule, but was definitely has issues with the 45 minute intruder for his naps. Night sleep was from 830pm- 7-730 am with one feeding usually between 3-430. However since this "spurt" has started he eats every 2-2.5 hours during the day and wakes twice after his bedtime feed and is up at 6-630 instead. He needs a nap 1h15- 1.5 hrs after he is awake, and is napping for 1 to 1.5 hrs he is irritable, gassy and pooping less. I definitely feel this is growth spurt behaviour but, has anyone else ever had a growth spurt last this long? And will he go back to his normal schedule eventually? Thanks :)

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 3 month never-ending growth spurt. Help!
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2015, 14:20:48 pm »
Are things any better since you posted? I can't say I ever remember a growth spurt lasting that long really, though I suppose anything is possible! With the 45 min nap and ew it makes me wonder if it is more routine related?

Offline Westsmom

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Re: 3 month never-ending growth spurt. Help!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2015, 11:51:18 am »
Thank you for your reply! Yes actually the day I wrote the post he had a two hour nap ( his growth spurts always begin and end with a 2 hour nap? )and he has been eating every 3 hrs during the day and sleeping from 830 pm to 7-730 am with one NW between 3-5 just like before his growth spurt. I guess every baby is different and my 17 lbs 3 month old likes to milk those spurts hehe, pardon the pun! But really, I have no idea why his last so long! I am glad things are back to " normal" as far as the 45 minute naps I am hoping they will eventually iron themselves out ( maybe once he can go 4 hours etc) Because at night he can put himself back to sleep and during the day he goes for his naps drowsy but awake and sometimes completely awake and will fall asleep in his own but still is awake after 45-60 minutes max!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 3 month never-ending growth spurt. Help!
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2015, 02:05:12 am »
Those naps might lengthen as he gets older or he may need a teeny bit more A time. Of course there is also the possibility he is a short napper regardless! Glad the feeding has gone back to normal!