Hello mummies!
I'm a working mum of DD1 (25 months) and DD2 (4.5 months), currently on maternity leave. I wasn't sure where to post this! I'm worried about DD2's weight (or rather lack of it!). Based on the breastfed babies growth chart, she's falling off her percentile line and I'm not sure what to do. DD2 was 3.4kgs when born, currently at 4.5 months she is only 5.6kgs. She is generally a very contented angel baby, I've followed the EASY since birth and she is exclusively breastfed. I follow her cues and offer her the breast every 3-3.5 hours at the moment (sometimes on bad nap days, every 2 .5 hours). She usually naps relatively well (good days, 3 good naps of 1.5-2 hours each, bad days: some broken naps but at least 1 long nap), at night she wakes up 2-3 times and I give her the breast each time she wakes.
She has been diagnosed with food allergies, just like my DD1 (only difference is my DD1 had no problems with weight) so currently I'm avoiding dairy, egg, most nuts and soya. Her eczeme is mild to moderate depending on what I've eaten and initially when I was having dairy and egg, her reflux was quite severe. She would throw up partially digested milk about an hour after her feeds. I've been to see the paed allergist and nutritionist and both are also worried about DD2's weight and the nutritionist has suggested I think about the following:
1. topping up DD2's feeds with hypoallergenic formula
2. early weaning
Has anyone had experience with this?
I do not know what to do but I've thought of the following questions:
1. Should I start expressing and offering DD2 the bottle?
2. Should I offer the breast every 2 hours instead of every 3 hours?
3. What else can I do to help her gain weight?
4. Does this mean my milk is lacking in nutrition? The nutritionist said it might be that as I'm eliminating so many things from my diet. I think I'm eating pretty healthily and the moment but I don't know...
Really appreciate any feedback!