Author Topic: 3:2 Nap transition  (Read 1216 times)

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3:2 Nap transition
« on: June 07, 2015, 19:18:55 pm »
Just looking for some quick advice - apologies if all the answers I'm looking for are in here somewhere.
DD is 5.5 mths old.
She has 3 naps, but sometimes the 2nd nap is just about long and late enough to make it to an acceptable bedtime.  I often end up with the dilemma of whether to have a late catnap - ie. 6:30-7:00 ish, or just push thru to bedtime.

Here's our typical day.

9:00 awake and E
A: 9-10:45
S: 10:45-12:45, E
A: 12:45 - 3:00
S: 3:00 - 5:00, E
S: 6:30-7:00, E.  - but, might fail because not really really ready for it.
(if any later though, delays bedtime)
if naps:
8:00 - E and to bed.
11:00 - Dreamfeed
usually sleeps through.

is doesn't catnap,
then, cranky at 6:30, hurry through "life" with other 2 kids,
6:45 or 7:00, feed and to sleep.

So either way, baby copes OK.  Ideally I'd prefer ditching nap #3 and having an earlier bedtime, but don't want to mess our pretty good routine up and end up with OT because of no nap #3.


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Re: 3:2 Nap transition
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 21:24:52 pm »
Hi there, sorry you didn't get any replies yet.

How are things now - the same?

I would say you could go for a 6.30/7.00 BT which FX would leave you free to do 'life with other 2 kids' as needed.
Some LOs will go down for BT even at the same time they are refusing a nap, they know the difference because the WD usually changes slightly (poss bath, pjs, milk before, sleep).  Could you juggle your routine to do her BT WD for 7pm instead of trying for the nap?