Thx for your reply!
Our EASY usually look close to this. I posted a 530am and a 630am wake up EASY.
430am to 530am - DD wakes up somewhere between this time. sometimes She falls back to sleep after being awake for 1 hr. Other times we have to hold and rock back to sleep. She doesnt cry. Just babbles and keeps us awake. When she does this at 430am and we Are so tired and can't sleep then i rock her back to sleep rather waiting an hr until she falls back to sleep so hubby and i can go back to sleep sooner.
530 am WU EASY if she CANNOT be rocked back to sleep:
530am awake in crib
615am Eat
830am nap #1 for 1 hr 15 mins to 1 hr 30 mins. Then A time until next feed.
1000am Eat
1230pm nap #2 for 1 hr 15 mins to 1 hr 30 mins. Then A time until next feed
200pm Eat
415pm or 430pm cat nap
500pm wake her up. Activity time until next feed
530pm Eat
630pm or 645pm in bed
falls asleep between 700pm to 730pm.
630am EASY if she CAN fall back to sleep by rocking her from yesterday:
630am WU and eat
850am nap for 1 hr 15min to 1 hr 30 mins. Do A time until next feed.
10:45am eat
1210pm nap for 1 hr 45min. Do A time until next feed
215pm Eat
415pm cat nap for 35 to 45 mins. Do A time until next feed
530pm Eat
645pm put in crib
710pm she falls asleep by herself
Anything we can do to help her sleep longer in the morning? Even waking up at 6am is ok for us. Just really hard if it is before 6am
I also worry for the days she wakes at 530am and doesnt fall back to sleep and that we put her to bed by 645pm is early and reinforces the EW cycle. Is this possible?
TIA! Any help is greatly appreciated!