Not sure if this is in the right place, but it seemed the best fit.
We're looking ahead to summer vacation followed a month later by a long car trip and move overseas. I know we'll have re-training to do after both but we're hoping to get through it with as little APOP as possible. So looking for lots of advice as I plan our trips!
Thankfully we should be able to keep our routine just fine through all of it except the time change. She will be 8 months for the first trip, and 9.5-10 months for the second.
1. First & second stop the only issue will be light. LO likes it dark to sleep, and unless we bring our blackout curtains and figure out a way to put them up we won't have that. So i'm thinking of trying now to increase light little by little. Any thoughts?
2. Second stop is camping so any tips there would be great.
3. Third stop will be light + sleeping not in the pack n play. She may be napping on a closet floor barricaded with a suitcase. I'll probably APOP one of those naps each day though.
Then we go home and recover for a month.
4. We're driving from SoCal to Idaho. I'll have a friend with me for most of it since DH wont be with us. The current plan is to drive about 7 hours a day, stopping about every 2, with a few days of less driving to see friends and be tourists. We plan on stopping by about 6 pm so LO can go to bed normally. That means naps in the car. Is it better to do that so she gets a full night? Is 7 hrs too much for a 10 month old? Should we not plan on stopping early but have her go to bed in the car? Any ideas on entertaining a 10 month old in the car? How do we transition from play to naps in the car?
5. Then a few weeks later we fly out to Tokyo. I've never done a time change that direction, so don't know where to begin to prepare LO.
6. The 12 hour flight! Just me and her, but she does have her own seat. Tips? I plan on having audiobooks for me so I don't get bored keeping her occupied, probably up and down the aisle whenever possible.