I'm new to bw and have been trying the pu/pd technique on my baby who is 3.5months old.
We had a couple of problems that needed fixing, he sleeps well during the night generally only waking once at about 4am after a dream feed at 10.30. However, his day time naps had become more and more of a problem. He has always only ever slept for about 25mins in a row but his sleep aides had become lying on me and regularly only sleeping if he was latched onto my boob! I know this was bad, hence we started with easy. We have been successful in that he now goes into his Moses basket to sleep but remains only sleeping for the 25mins. Can someone please advise me on how to help him with this. Would like to nail it as he is such a happy baby when not tired. I would class him as a mix between touchy and grumpy baby.
Thanks so much in advance!
First time mummy! x