Author Topic: Ready but not ready for 2:1  (Read 1036 times)

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Offline 1stimer

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Ready but not ready for 2:1
« on: June 30, 2015, 16:00:11 pm »
DS has been pushing his morning nap later and later. He wakes up after 1200pm some days but he cant make the stretch until bt even if I make it early, around 630. We seem to be stuck in a weird limbo phase where he cant make it long enough till his first nap to make his wake up time late enough to make it to bt. Does that make sense? Im not sure what to do here. We cap his PM naps but I HATE waking him up bc hes usually grumpy until BT when we do that. Even yesterday we let him go a little longer (until 5 pm) thinking he would be up until 8 or later but he was ready to go down at 7 and then he slept until 715 this morning and then he went down for his nap at 1030 (he was real grumpy and fussy and was  ready to go down sooner but we pushed it as long as we could).


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Ready but not ready for 2:1
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2015, 18:44:25 pm »
Urgh I hated that stage of the 2-1.  >:(

Would he go down a little earlier for his pm nap so that he actually takes an UT 40mims or so nap? Then he might wake happy and stop pushing your day so late?

The transition can get messy hun. Some days they simply can't make it to their usual nap time. That's why some alternate between 1 and 2 nap days for a while. I originally started with a lomg first nap, short second. But once we were mainly on one nap, I had to apop the odd car nap at 9am for 15-20mims just to see her through to her usual nap time. It was a PITA, but once through, it was fine  ;)

Want to post your easy that your aiming for now and we'll have a go and see if we can set naps for a while to see if we can wait out the transition a little longer? X

Offline 1stimer

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Re: Ready but not ready for 2:1
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2015, 20:06:34 pm »
Lol...I've done the cat nap car ride in the pm.

He's usually up around 7
S 1030-12 or 1230
A 1230-400

S 4- 430 or 5 (we cap this depending on when he falls asleep. We try to give him atleast 30.  Today he woke up at 1215 and he just went back down around 245. I also think he's teething though he won't let me get in there to check. Last time he was teething he was really sleepy. He had shorter A times and that seems to be part of what's going on now.


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Ready but not ready for 2:1
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2015, 20:08:38 pm »
Hmmm, teething could definitely play havoc with things. Perhaps we see how he goes over the next couple of days, see if he comes out of his sleepy period, then make a plan after? Wdyt? X

P.s that's why I don't get annoyed with cars driving slowly on the motorway anymore.. I can just envisage a LO in the back with a mumma trying to get through the 2-1!!  ;) x

Offline 1stimer

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Re: Ready but not ready for 2:1
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2015, 20:13:48 pm »
That's too's probably the only time I hope to catch every red light!!! $
