Author Topic: Trouble in the evening  (Read 875 times)

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Offline ENMS

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Trouble in the evening
« on: July 04, 2015, 17:25:46 pm »
Hi! It's been a while I haven't posted about sleep  :)

DD2 is 5 weeks old. She is not an independent sleepter but we put her down very drowsy but awake most of the time. She naps very well in her crib (3 x 2h naps) so long as she is tightly swaddled. She also sleeps well at night, but the problem we have is in the evening. She won't sleep in her crib so we end up having her sleep on us between 6 and 10 (interrupted by a few feeds of course). Sometimes she is very difficult to fall asleep as well in the evening. I'm not sure what we're doing wrong, I'm keeping it the same as for the other times she goes to sleep. We don't have a very long BT routine, just a song, so I will try to start that tonight, but I also wanted to know what else I can do to help her go to sleep on her own at a reasonable time in the evening?

Yesterday went like this:

WU 7:30
S 8:45-10:45
S 12:35-2:50 (unusually long A time here as she had trouble falling asleep - I ended up putting her, swaddled, in the swing for her nap)
S 3:55-5:50
and then it all went badly... It was close to 8:30 by the time she fell asleep. Usually it's not that bad, but still I haven't succeeded once I think in having her sleep in her crib between 6 and 10 PM.

Most evenings she is not a happy baby, she cries quite a lot, wants to feed but then is unhappy when the milk flows, etc.  I think it's normal evening fussiness, but I think sleeping better in the evening would definitely make it easier.

How can I help her sleep in her crib in the evenings?

Obviously she's our 3rd child so there is a lot of action between 5 and 8. BUT, even we I do concentrate only on her and bring her upstairs away from the action it does not seem to make a difference.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 17:29:08 pm by ENMS »

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Re: Trouble in the evening
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2015, 14:38:47 pm »
I'm sure you already know about the witching hour. Evening fussiness is just a normal part of the first few weeks. My DD would nurse for ages and cry every time I tried to put her down. It does pass soon though.

The first month or so is very iffy but as long as you are following a general EAS pattern, don't worry too much. In fact, the routine you posted is very similar to my DD's at that age. She too would end up going to sleep by 8.30 for the first two months because of a late ending nap and a LONG nurse before bed. After a while though, I gradually started capping the catnap to end earlier and I got a good bedtime routine into place - nurse, bath, massage, nurse, burp & sleep song, hold till drowsy and bed. I also started doing the BT nurse in her room itself. Just kept everything very soothing and calm and it worked. Hope it does for you too:)

Offline ENMS

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Re: Trouble in the evening
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2015, 15:43:46 pm »
Thanks for your reply!

Yes, I know about the witching hour! She is different than the other 2 though, I guess that is why I thought the issue was with sleep only at night, but you are probably right that it is just normal. The other 2 would be inconsolable in the evening, but with her she is more settled, just having trouble falling asleep. I guess I should be thankful! :)