Sorry for delayed reply - my internet connection is letting me down! Well the 3-2, like any nap transition, can be bumpy, just to warn you! Don't worry too much about getting exactly 12h days, IME anything between 11-13h can work fine, so if you get a 3rd CN then BT will be later, and do EBT if not. But keep the A times before and after the CN short, so it's a UT nap (30mins is fine, we had 10mins before giving it up completely), and that way you shouldn't end up with too much A time overall. Perhaps start with 2h before offering the 3rd nap and see what happens. Yes, if she short naps earlier in the day she could have a longer CN, may take some experimenting to see how long she can have without it messing up the night. Does that make sense?