Hi, sorry this is so long and hope someone can help.
LO is 13 months and due to reflux (now grown out of), a stressful house-move, illness and teething has never fallen asleep independently. His sleep has been awful until the last month or so, multiple NW, usually ending sleeping in our bed, resisting BT and naps, short naps etc etc. Then something changed and he started STTN. We now get about 10 to 10.5 hours per night - usually all in one stretch and he takes 2 naps most days - night sleep is the same if he only gets 1 nap, but we don't think he's ready to transition. We know he is probably still not gettying quite enough total sleep, but it is so much better than it was.
As he STTN we know he must be able to re-settle himself to sleep when he wakes up. A few nights ago he seemed to be struggling to settle in my arms so I laid him down in the cot - he took about 20 minutes, but he settled himself with a few words and a hand on his back. The night after I did the same thing, a couple of times he started to get frustrated that he couldn't go to sleep and I picked him up and then PD again. It took a while, but he took himself off to sleep again. The third night he couldn't settle and started to get upset so I had to pick him up numerous times and in the end he fell asleep in my arms before he calmed enough to lie down so I just put him down. Tonight he had a brief attempt at going to sleep then became very upset. I tried just lying him down, but he was fighting that physically and got to the point where he was so upset I picked him up. After a few rounds of PU/PD he was just getting more upset until he was sick, then he fell asleep in my arms really quickly. I put him down and he fussed a tiny bit, but stayed asleep.
Where do I go from here. It seems as if when he can't get to sleep and gets upset nothing I do sooths him in the cot, but PU/PD doesn't seem to calm him and I don't want him so upset that he is repeatedly sick. When he pulls himself up he won't lie down again by himself - he either bounces or cries. He is mainly spirited/touchy and I know he may be getting over-stimulated by PU/PD and my presence.
The plan was to try to get him to sleep independently at bed-times, then for any NW and then naps on the basis that he doesn't get enough sleep overall to be able to lose much. Doees this seem sensible? Any ideas on how I can soothe without over stimulating him - or if a different approach altogether may be better suited?
I am chronically Ill and although I have read through the threads and stickies on PU/PD, how to start/ age adaptations etc I find it very difficult to put the info. together and am feeling a bit lost. Can someone to talk me though things step-by-step and offer a little bit of hand-holding if possible?